According to The Huffington Post, the two researchers recruited 374 young men and women with the average age of 21. Some of these people were currently in an exclusive romantic relationship, and some were not. 据《赫芬顿邮报》报道,这两位心理学家招募了374名平均年龄21岁的男女进行研究,他们中一些人已经有了男/女朋友,一些人还是单身。
Watkins pointed out that, for example, women are more likely to post pictures of social gatherings with friends, while men are more likely to post pictures of hobbies, or post a political or pop-culture related link. 沃特金斯举例指出,女性更喜欢上传好友社交聚会的照片,而男性则更喜欢上传业余爱好的照片,或者是政治或流行文化的相关链接。
In the last two decades, Valerie Steele, director of the Museum at the Fashion Institute of Technology, told The Huffington Post, men have gotten in touch with their inner pirate. 最近二十年来,纽约时装技术学院博物馆馆长瓦莱丽斯蒂尔告诉《赫芬顿邮报》说,男人们已经听到他们内心的呼唤了。
I was surprised at the number of impassioned comments my recent post(" Why Men and Women Can't be'Just Friends '") generated. 我最近发表了一篇文章&为什么男女之间不能存在纯粹的朋友关系,我对它所带来的慷慨激昂的评论的数量感到惊讶。
According to the Washington Post's report, psychiatrists have warned that the number of men with depression could rise because of changes in Western society. 来自华盛顿邮报的消息,进入二十一世纪以来男性患抑郁症的概率大大提升,原因是男性的社会角色在西方社会发生的巨大转变。
At the sight of Javert bound to the post, Courfeyrac, Bossuet, Joly, Combeferre, and the men scattered over the two barricades came running up. 沙威一声也没有叫喊。听说沙威已被绑在木柱上,古费拉克、博须埃、若李、公白飞以及散在两个街垒里的人都跑来看。
Post men at every gate! No one leaves until we kill the wolf! 每个门口都要有人把手!没杀掉狼谁也不准离开!
The commander is directing the army forces and giving them orders from the observation post. The commander briefed his men. 指挥员在观察所里指挥军队,发号施令。指挥官向其手下作了必要的指示。
Most of his characters are post war young men and women pursuing their dreams. They have a close relationship with Fitzgerald himself in terms of life experience and spiritual world. 他塑造的人物形象大多是一群战后追求梦幻的青年男女,他们的生活经历和精神世界都与作者有着密切的内在联系。